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From Struggles to Sunshine

 “You can’t love what you don’t know” Rereading my old writings brings back a wave of nostalgia and gratitude for everything that’s happened in my life. It’s been a year and a half since I started working at my current company, and wow, what a ride it’s been! Let’s be real: the first three months were a bit of a struggle. I was thrown into a fast-paced work environment with a hefty workload. There were moments when I just wanted to throw in the towel. But then I remembered all the tough times I had faced before, and quitting didn’t feel right. Shifting my mindset to something more positive really helped me get through that rough patch. There’s an Indonesian saying: “You can’t love what you don’t know,” and it perfectly sums up that initial trial phase. Once I settled in, work started to feel lighter and way more enjoyable. Sure, the workload was still high, but with a positive attitude and good vibes from my colleagues, everything felt manageable. Plus, I discovered that this office is

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